tirsdag 24. mai 2011

Meetup om testing i Framsia

Det handler om å kjøre (all) koden din, så ofte som mulig, med så gode tilbakemeldinger som mulig.

Buster.js ble presentert.

OperaDriver og ChromeDriver kommer sannsynligvis til Selenium 2 beta 4

Mange tester for html5 er skrevet i WebDriver

onsdag 18. mai 2011

Doing SW Architecture / Research Project

When researching a new tool or a framework API for use I find myself getting tired or bored after spending time doing work that will not be directly productive, and previously I have made rush decisions or didn't "go all the way", thinking that "barely sufficient" = enough.

The other day, I started thinking that different ways of revisiting such projects should add real value. preferably, there should be (at least) 1 more person with a fresh attitude who can continue from where I left, and/or do:

  • review / inspection
  • come up with new ideas
  • bring more involvement / acceptance from the whole group

If it is too hard to get 1 more person, it may be wise to simulate him by taking a break from this project and revisiting it later.