To no avail so far.
I would really like to use MultiMarkDown because Byword and Scrivener uses it and I like the dialect. Now, if I only could find a library that lets me generate a site from MarkDown files in my project... I searched libraries on the MarkDown library list. But none fit the bill (in june 2013).
This thread on Stack Overflow lists some options, mostly for PanDoc.
PanDoc is a nice runner-up, seems to have more utilities:
Pandoc-Extras lists editors, libraries, scripts, generators...
PegDown seemed OK, but turns out it picks extensions from different dialects.
Of the Java libraries: Markdown4j will implement PanDoc extensions, MarkdownJ seems deserted.
Maven uses TxtMark: com.github.rjeschke / txtmark / 0.10
Play uses Tatua: org.tautua.markdownpapers/markdownpapers-core /1.3.4 / (in play)
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