fredag 24. april 2009


Exception handling

Se foredrag her.

TypeHandleFix and update appTry again?
Application ExceptionPossibleNoNo
System ExceptionNoNoPossible
Programming ExceptionNoyesNo

Rammeverk: distribuert Exceptionhierarki (mange klasser)
Applikasjon: sentralisert Exceptionhierarki (1 klasse med felt for id og map for kontekstuell info).

tirsdag 21. april 2009

Google App Engine

Java on App Engine
See App Engine Java Overview.

SDK (ref Google):
I downloaded the SDK, unzipped it and added to my PATH.
I used Ant to build the app in demos\guestbook
I then ran the local test-server with command (path from demos dir):
dev_appserver.cmd guestbook\war

I must wait for activation before I can upload app


Groovy on App Engine
I impported the code for the Groovy AppEngine HelloWorld, but that does not run locally due to a bug in the SDK. I commented out the line that tries GroovyShell().evaluate("3*4"), and it ran, but it seems that Groovlets are based on being able to evaluate scripts.

Next up: get rss from Blogger and